Articles of Incorporation (Jul 31, 1998)
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions
- Affidavit A (Feb 7, 2025)
- Summary of DCCR Changes (Jan 10 2025)
- DRAFT: Redlines of DCCR’s (Jan 10 2025)
- DRAFT: DCCR (Dec 2024)
- 4th Amendment to the DCCR (Sep 27, 2018)
- 3rd Amendment to DCCR (Sep 27, 2017)
- 2nd Amendment to DCCR (Jun 30, 2016)
- Affidavit of Correction DCCR (Mar 7, 2015)
- Termination of Declarant Control (Aug 8, 2014)
- First Amended DCCR (Aug 11, 2014)
EBCA Property Definition and Master Plan
- Warranty Deed for Cottages, Cheryl Court and Phase 7 (Feb 2025)
- Villas Resolution of Annexation (Dec 20)
- Villas Annexation and Plan of Merger (Dec 20, 2022)
- Addendum to 5th Supplement (Dec 20, 2022)
- Addendum to 5th Supplement (Aug 27, 2020)
- Exhibit A to 4th Amendment to DCCR (Dec 11, 2019)
- 5th Supplement to the DCCR-The Cottages (Jan 15, 2019)
- 4th Supplement to the DCCR-Sect 1-Blk 14-Lots 1-3 (Nov 17, 2017)
- 3rd Supplement to the DCCR-Fairway View Estates (Nov 17, 2017)
- 2nd Supplement to DCCR (Sect 5) (Oct 19, 2004)
- 2nd Supplement to DCCR (Sect 3 & 4) (Aug 13, 2003)
- 1st Supplement to DCCR (Sect 2A) (Jan 18, 2000)
- Exhibit A – EB Property Definition (Sep 30, 1998)
Exhibit B -EBCC Property Definition (Sep 30, 1998)
Exhibit C – Use Restrictions (Rules of the Association) (Sep 30, 1998)
Rules related to Exhibit C 3(h) (Jan 19, 2021)
Exhibit D – Rules of Arbitration (Sep 30, 1998)
EBCA Architectural Control
- Guidelines-for-New-Construction-Modification-Request (Jan 2022)
- EBCA New Construction Form (Jan 2023)
- FEBCA-Small Project Modification-ACC-Form
- EBCA-Builder-Sub-contractor-Form(Mar2021)
- Design-Guidelines-Estate-Family-Lake Lots (Sept 1, 2024)
- Design-Guidelines-Cottage Lots (Sept 1, 2024)
- Design-Guidelines-Villa Lots (Sept 1 2024)
- Design-Guidelines-Garden Homes (Sept 1 2024)
- Design-Guidelines–Boathouse Lots (Aug 20, 2017)
EBCA Bylaws
- 3rd Amendment to Bylaws (Sep 27, 2018)
- 2nd Amendment to Bylaws (Sep 27, 2017)
- 1st Amendment to ByLaws (Aug 11, 2014)
EBCA Policies
- DRAFT: EBCA Policy for Retention of Records-Payment-Fines Combined. (Dec. 2024)
- EBCA Violation Fine Policy (Sept 27, 2017)
- EBCA Voting and Election Policy (June 30, 2016)
- EBCA Payment Application Policy (October 9, 2013)
- EBCA Open Records (October 9, 2013)